Användarvillkor för användning av Smartplan
När du skapar ett konto på accepterar du följande användarvillkor mellan leverantören (Smartplan) och kontots ägare (kunden). Smartplan ägs och levereras av:
- Smartplan ApS
- Skolegade 7B,
- 8000 Aarhus C
Smartplan förbehåller sig rätten att ändra och uppdatera Villkoren utan förvarning. Detta inkluderar den ovan angivna äganderätten, som kan ändras när som helst utan medgivande av kunden. Den senaste versionen av dessa villkor är tillgänglig vid alla tidpunkter på
I händelse av brott mot de allmänna villkoren som anges nedan, förbehåller Smartplan sig rätten att ta bort kundkontot och all information som kan tillhöra kontot.
Allmänna villkor
- The customer must provide a valid email address and full name when registering.
- The customer is responsible for the safety of his/her account. It is the customer’s responsibility to protect and update his/her password and invitation code.
Smartplan cannot be held responsible for what happens to the Customer's account and information. The Customer is responsible for all contents placed on his/her Smartplan account. None of the content may be of an illegal character.
- Smartplan cannot be held responsible for either direct or indirect mistakes made by the Customer. This includes mistakes caused by the use of of Smartplan. This means that it is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that correct information is entered into the work rotas in Smartplan. Smartplan cannot be held directly or indirectly responsible for mistakes in work rotas or other contents held in the Smartplan. The Customers claim for damages towards Smartplan, can under no circumstances exceed the sum of the customers payments the last 6 month. The same apply to the breach of the persondatasafety or data processing, which the customer has the responsibility for and which is done by Smartplan. If a registered with Smartplan claims any damage towards Smartplan, Smartplan has the right to sue for regres so that Smartplan I no situation pays claim in more extent than mentioned.
- Smartplan may at any time update and change the Smartplan application.
Smartplan can be inaccessible at times when updates are made, however Smartplan will strive to minimize inaccessibility during updates.
- Smartplan is designed to create rosters and manage rosters. Where Smartplan is not used appropriately, and where abuse of the application is suspected, Smartplan reserves the right to delete and block the Customer.
- Smartplan reserve the right to demand payment for any support to the dataresponsible in accordance to the dataprocessingagreement, to a hourly rate on 200 euro.
Villkor för Betalning och Prenumeration
- All prices are in the shown currency on Smartplan may adjust the price according to currency exchange rates, net price index, taxes and the like.
- A valid and supported credit/debit card is required to use the Smartplan beyond the free trial period.
- You may try Smartplan for free for up to 30 days. At the end of the trial period, Smartplan will request the Customer to choose a subscription plan and to provide credit card information. At which point the subscription will start.
- The subscription runs for 30 days at a time and is automatically extended through prepayment for the coming period.
- At the commencement of the subscription, the Customer automatically provides Smartplan with the right to withdraw the subscription amount.
- If the Smartplan account is not terminated and the Customer has submitted payment information before the end of trial, the amount for the next monthly subscription will be withdrawn when the trial ends.
- An invoice will automatically be forwarded for payment by email.
- When upgrading or downgrading the subscription service, the new amount will automatically be withdrawn at the next scheduled withdrawal.
- Where Smartplan suspects the creation of several accounts by the same Customer, or under a new name for the purpose of avoiding payments for multiple subscription services, Smartplan reserves the right to block an account.
Annullering och Återbetalning
- The Customer can use Smart Plan for 30 days without charge.
- Where Smartplan is terminated within 30 days, the Customer shall pay nothing.
- Where the Customer deletes his or her account, withdrawals will come to an end so that there is no charge for the following month.
- It is the Customer's responsibility to cancel and close an account with Smartplan. Smartplan does not consider an account to be cancelled by the way of an email or letter. The Customer is required to delete his or hers account in order to stop the subscription.
- Where the Customer has made prepayments for an extended period, the remaining balance, if any, is non-refundable.
- Where the Customer has unused text messages, the balance is non-refundable.
- Smartplan delivery is digital and as such there is no return or a 14 day cancellation period. The service is provided at the time of payment.
- Du hittar vår privacy policy här.
- If you require assistance with Smartplan, you may contact us at